I don't know what to write. Whenever I check out my blog site I feel like I should write something, but I get halfway through a post and scrap it or save it for later (aka scrap it). I really don't even know if people read these. I feel like I am talking to someone, although that someone could just be the computer. That would be alright, I guess.
I feel like I should read over that paragraph and edit, but I would probably cut most of it out and then I would be left with no more post. I feel like I should cut that out too. Man, I read these awesome posts that other people write that suck me in and hold me tight and show me a whole new world, and I wish I could write like that; I ache to write like that. I guess the best I can be though is myself, and if only one person reads these or if it is only between the computer and me then I would still write because I don't write for you (person reading this). Actually,thats a lie. I do write for you person reading this, but I shouldn't.
I am tempted to scrap this post too. But I won't. I'm just going to put it out there because I am tired of acting like the person I feel I should be acting like, saying the likeable things I should be saying, scrapping who I am because I think someone else won't like it. I'm tired of not being myself. I'm tired of not being free. I'm just going to put it out there, and I will not care that they (or that YOU) will think something not cool about it. They will always think something. I guess the trick is just being okay with it.