Let me back-up. A couple days ago my brother and I hopped in our suburban and drove into the boonies to pick up a couple ducklings.
I know, adorable. My brother almost cried when we had to leave.
Anyways... after we had picked out four various ducklings, we hauled them back to our house in a cardboard box. As I was in the passengers seat, I decided to start accustoming them to people. I would pick one up at a time and flip them over, petting their little heads in an effort to stop their incessant chirping. It would work for a little bit, but not long.
For the past couple of days, they will not stop letting out high-pitched, frightened chirps when I take them in my hand. They are fine when we leave them alone, but they don't yet know their caregiver. I want to be their buddy, but they are too afraid.
God was comparing me to these ducklings. He has taken me our of the old dusty shed, given me friends, good food, shelter, and space, but I would rather be left alone by Him. He wants to be my buddy, but whenever He leans toward me I run away and whenever He takes me in His hand I squirm and protest in fear.
Maybe over time the relationship will improve. Maybe the fear will disappear and friendship will be reached, for me and these little duckies